Second episode of #tellmeyourstory introduces Iga Majewska, a passionate business owner of Warsaw Pilates studio. From a university sports class to launching her own Pilates brand, Iga has turned her passion for mindful movement into a thriving business. Focused on balance and harmony, she’s built a community that continues to grow, both in person and online.
Iga, founder of Warsaw Pilates, 34 years old
KW: How did Pilates come into your life?
IM: When I was at university, I had to choose some sports classes. I had no idea what Pilates was, but when I read that it’s a discipline designed for people with back pain — something I’d always struggled with due to scoliosis — I thought, "Why not give it a try?" You didn’t need any special shoes or equipment, and as a practical person, I appreciated that all I needed were leggings and a T-shirt. When I started working in the corporate world, I continued practicing — either in organized classes at the fitness club or on my own. Pilates became my go-to exercise. After a while, I thought it was a waste of time to commute, so I signed up for an instructor training course. I thought I’d just learn how to do the exercises properly at home, but it turned out they were teaching me how to teach others. I realized that since I enjoyed spending time this way, it made sense to share this beneficial passion with others.
KW: What made you fall in love with Pilates?
IM: I’ve never been a sports fanatic. I didn’t like team sports, I preferred gymnastics and more mindful, slower movements. What drew me to Pilates was the fact that it has a clear purpose. Every movement has a reason, and when your body is properly aligned, you can feel it working from the very first rep. You can feel every muscle that needs to engage. It’s a minimalist, effective sport, very logical. Every move leads to the next, and transitions between exercises are smooth. Everything happens in balance and harmony. When I first started back in 2009, there was no #pilatesgirls trend, and I was probably lowering the average age in most classes. The whole "cool Pilates" culture, with its fancy reformer machines, came much later.

KW: When did you start your Pilates venture?
IM: I’ve been running Warsaw Pilates for over five years now. In the summer of 2019, on a whim, I started organizing Pilates classes in some pretty unconventional locations. That’s how Warsaw Pilates was born. For the first three and a half years, I was doing this alongside my full-time job. I worked in the tech industry, but after the pandemic and the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, things in went into a serious slump. In 2022, I was laid off, and I decided not to look for another desk job. Instead, I decided to focus on my own business, my own “startup.” Since then, the scale of the events I organize has grown exponentially. It started with just 30 people — friends and their friends — and then word of mouth took over. Now, we have hundreds of participants in our classes every month. I also built an online training platform, so the knowledge I gained from my tech days hasn’t gone to waste.
KW: Why did you choose such crazy locations, like rooftops?
IM: A friend of mine, who lived near Plac Grzybowski, once sneaked me onto the roof of his building. I knew the place well from the ground, but suddenly, I saw it from a completely different perspective. It was like seeing Warsaw on a postcard. I’ve spent years working in marketing and PR, and I’ve been to many exclusive events designed for media and influencers, held in beautiful places that were inaccessible to the public. I wanted to open those places up. Rooftops were perfect. They satisfied my need for space and a connection to the sky. I wanted to see the horizon during my workout, hear the birds singing, and feel completely free — without any onlookers. To be above the city, but still right in its heart.

KW: How do your passions influence the way you dress?
IM: In my wardrobe, just like in Pilates, everything has its purpose. I don’t buy anything on a whim; it’s all very intentional. For example, if I’m looking for a long-sleeve top in a certain color and fabric, I know exactly what I want. I prefer solid, high-quality pieces, like my purple set from Fluff. My clothes need to feel soft, stretchy and durable, holding their shape. My belly always needs to have room. I test things out through trial and error, and I often rely on recommendations from others. When I find something I like, I stick with it. Loyalty really pays off.

Videos were shot during an event co-organized by @warsawpilates and @projektselflove
Tekst: Kamila Wagner
Video: Łukasz Jaśniak
Foto: Łukasz Jaśniak
Retusz: Jan Tuszewski